With the so-called Camo Matrix, we are expanding the possible uses of our products for a wide range of applications. Depending on the requirement profile and location, the equipment and clothing must also be adapted accordingly. Therefore, with the "Camo Matrix" we are successively launching successful Carinthia products in previously unavailable camo variants. We rely on field-tested and proven camo patterns, which allow for an optimal camouflage effect and blending with the environment for a large part of the (European) regions and seasons.
Multicam offers the greatest variety and with the additional sub-variants MC Alpine and MC Black, the most diverse scenarios of modern task forces and users are optimally covered. In addition, some very interesting product additions will be available in 5-Farb Flecktarn of the German Armed Forces.
Another variant of the camo matrix are Carinthia products in M81 woodland. This timeless camo classic also offers a wide range of possible applications and will be the finishing touch to the Camo Matrix releases. Available probably in December 2021.
Multicam offers the greatest variety and with the additional sub-variants MC Alpine and MC Black, the most diverse scenarios of modern task forces and users are optimally covered. In addition, some very interesting product additions will be available in 5-Farb Flecktarn of the German Armed Forces.
Another variant of the camo matrix are Carinthia products in M81 woodland. This timeless camo classic also offers a wide range of possible applications and will be the finishing touch to the Camo Matrix releases. Available probably in December 2021.

In terms of products, we will produce and offer a wide range of existing Carinthia products in the respective camos, from bestsellers such as the MIG 4.0 cold protection jacket and our top sleeping bag Defence 4 to basecaps and travel pillows. The rollout of the products will happen step by step.

The MultiCam camouflage pattern is a camo consisting of 7 colors, which mainly consists of brown and green hues, gradients and spots. The developers wanted to create a camouflage that is as universal as possible, covering a wide range of applications in terms of environment, seasons, altitudes and lighting conditions. In use by numerous armed forces around the globe, MultiCam is due to its versatile suitability and effective camouflage effect also in the outdoor and bushcraft area repeatedly encountered.
Product Range Multicam (Slider)

The MultiCam Black - be part of the gang!
The camo consisting of black and gray tones is another interesting variation from the MultiCam family and offers a good camouflage effect in darker environments and urban operations. Originally developed for law enforcement units, the unobtrusive camouflage pattern can also be found more and more in civilian areas, as it can definitely be worn in everyday life. Treat yourself to our best sellers in stylish Multicam Black and become part of the MCBG /MultiCam Black Gang/.
The camo consisting of black and gray tones is another interesting variation from the MultiCam family and offers a good camouflage effect in darker environments and urban operations. Originally developed for law enforcement units, the unobtrusive camouflage pattern can also be found more and more in civilian areas, as it can definitely be worn in everyday life. Treat yourself to our best sellers in stylish Multicam Black and become part of the MCBG /MultiCam Black Gang/.
Product Range Multicam Black (Slider)

Multicam Alpine is another effective variation of the field-proven Multicam Camo camouflage pattern. Developed primarily for snowy areas, the Alpine Camo is designed to help the user reduce close-range IR signatures, making reconnaissance more difficult during military operations. However, due to its good camouflage effect in snow, Multicam Alpine Camo is now also very popular with nature and wildlife photographers or with villains in various Bond flicks as well as for winter sports.
Product Range Multicam Alpine (Slider)

German Flecktarn
The five-color print consisting of irregular spots and dots is mainly used by the German armed forces. The spot camouflage pattern plays to its strengths in a wide range of geographical environments and enables the visual blurring of body outlines with the surroundings. In addition to military use, countless users also fall back on the good camouflage effect of the 5 color Flecktarn Camo in the outdoor sector or hunting.We offer a selection of our top sellers like LIG Jacket, HIG Jacket+Trousers as well as the sleeping bags Tropen and Defence 4 in this effective camo.
Product Range 5-Farb Flecktarn

Woodland. A classic among camos.